
Friday, March 9, 2012

New App

I've been having instagram-envy lately seeing all the cool pictures people are posting that I couldn't figure out how to do… like collages…. 

So being spring break, and being that I have absolutely nothing to do today, I spent some time researching iPhone apps that could make me have cool instagram pics too! I ended up purchasing Diptic for 99 ¢

I haven't played around with it too much yet but I did make this beauty!

It pretty much sums up our recent vacation to Hilton Head, SC. 

1. Lots of bike riding fun
2. Beautiful weather and beach time
3. Fun time with my husband and the Blackburn's

Hopefully I will be using Diptic for a lot of fun stuff in the future, I just wanted to share this great app with you incase you're having instgram-envy too :-)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for researching that! I was wondering how people did that too! :) I'm going to have to get it now!
