
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

DIY Personalized Note Cards

You know what I like to do on lazy nights, curled up by our wood burning fire, while sipping something yummy…. like bubbly moscato… I love to write letters to people I care about. Something about good ol' fashion letter writing just slows everything down. Its nice to be unplugged for a bit (this doesn't include Pandora going in the back ground with Amos Lee Radio on). 

Being the souther gal I am, I love monogrammed things. There is some beautiful personalized stationary all over Etsy, but I love a DIY, less expensive version. I found this great stationary set at target on CLEARANCE! I'm like a kid on Christmas morning when I start digging around in Target's clearance end-caps… every store has them you just have know where to find them. 

So after much trial and error, I finally found the perfect setting in Microsoft Word to run them through my printer. Word of advice… keep using the same notecard until you get it perfect… I wasted a few of these because I would adjust a setting and then be sure it would turn out how I wanted it… and then it wouldn't. 

trial and error my friends.

Finished Product!!! love!!!

Here's a little help for those of you like me who aren't that tech-savy… 

ok From microsoft word, go into "file" then "Page setup"
From there go to "paper Size" and click "Manage custom settings"

Ok now here's where it gets tricky… kind of… Measure the total length and width of your stationary, then subtract about 0.75 inch from each margin. This will take away the stupid margins that kept throwing me off and not letting me get my Font all the way to the bottom etc. 

Once you have your values in click "OK"
Then I use text boxes to insert my font… it's just easier to move around and put font exactly where you want. 
To do this you go to "insert" then "text box"… thats pretty easy. If I am doing my initials, I do 3 separate text boxes and then drag them to where I want. But if I am just doing my name I only use 1 Text Box. 

Da Font  is a great website to download fun fonts for FREE!

Once you have your font where you think you want it, go to print preview and make sure everything looks good before you print on one of your pretty notecards.

Every printer is different, so just align your card where the ink will be on the front and in the right direction. 

like I said earlier… just play around with it until you get it how you want it… keep using the same notecard until it is perfect, so you don't waste any more good cards than you have to.

I hope my tips will help you make the perfect stationary…. it took me forever to figure out that whole margin thing haha but it was worth it because now I have 20 personalized cute notecards that cost me under $4! 

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