Monday, February 6, 2012

Kitchen Organization!

So I was already border line OCD when it came to labeling and organizing BEFORE pintertest but now it's a whole new level with all the great ideas I've found on there! I spent sometime over Christmas break getting our kitchen into a label-lovers Heaven. While I'm on the topic of organizing, I want to introduce to you to (if you already haven't discovered this fabulousness) this great blog! Just click the image below if you think can handle all the organizing ideas and still have a productive day!

IHeart Organizing

Here are some of the things I did to our kitchen…

Bins Bins Bins = Love! Easy to grab and get small baking items out of… like sprinkles, nuts, etc.

small hangers from Lowe's for measuring spoons. Skot used some kind of super sticky glue to hang them.

Velcro a clipboard to the inside of cabinet for easy grocery list making when you run out of stuff

Target dollar bin plastic boxes with lamented labels stuck to them, so you can write on them with a dry erase marker

Shoe organizer inside the pantry to make snacks easy to see and grab.

I hope you don't think I'm a crazy person after seeing this post… I just REALLY like to organize things, it makes me smile :-) 


  1. I love bins to gather little items; I have them in my bathroom, hall closet, and kitchen too! And the shoe rack idea is great!

  2. I love that blog! Such an inspiration!


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