
Thursday, August 23, 2012

outfit inspiration board

If you've been keeping up with my blog, you know I LOVE to take something I don't like any more and turn it into something fabulous and useful. Thats just what I did with these 2 wall art canvas things I got a long time ago from target. I think I've said this before on here but I'll say it again... I am flat out getting tired of chocolate brown… when we first got married I bought everything dark brown and now I can't stand to look at the color in our house anymore ha. So these canvases caught my eye and they had to be taken down.

So instead of chunking them out, I covered them with some striped fabric I bought at IKEA awhile back. I just used a hot glue gun to secure the fabric to the back of the canvases' frame.

That's it. There's no other steps. Simple as that.

I had these done for a few weeks before I had the idea of what to do with them.

 One day (like most days) I was staring into my closet full of clothes thinking "Gah I have NOTHING to wear!" So being the pinterest fanatic that I am, I headed on over to my"Inspiration for my Closet" board and got some great ideas of what to throw together from the things I already own. Thats when it hit me to print out small pictures of some of my favorite outfit ideas and stick them to my then homeless striped canvases. 

You could also hang it in the kitchen and put up pictures of recipes you want to try soon, or in your craft area with crafts to do… the uses are endless. 

So before you take that not-so-cute-anymore wall art to the goodwill, think about upcyling it to a great new idea board.!

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