
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Message Board

So if you haven't picked up on it, I like easy, simple, not-much-time consuming DIY crafts. I'm not into projects that require researching techniques, or studying up on. I'm a pharmacy student, I have enough studying to do :-)

So here's another super easy craft anyone can try. 

1. Go thrifting for old frames. I lucked up and found this unique shaped one that was perfect for the size message board I wanted to create. 

2. Remove backing and glass and spray paint it the color of your choice.

3. Hot glue fabric to the cardboard that comes in the frame.

4. Hot glue twine, ribbon, or string to the back of the cardboard and wrap it around the front. 

5. Then just add small clothes pins to the twine/string/ribbon.

& you've got yourself a cute message board! 

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