
Monday, April 16, 2012

Greek Pasta Salad

I love Greek food.I love hummus, I love pitas, I love olives, and I love love  LOVE feta cheese. So when I saw this recipe on Pinterest I knew I had to try it!
Here's the link to where the original recipe is if you wanna try it out. 
I stayed pretty true to it except I left out the onions… I do not like onions. yuck!
I used fresh basil from my herb garden too! 

So you're probably smarter than me and know what orzo is… I didn't for the longest time. I thought it was a type of rice so I would always end up looking in the rice section at the grocery store. Needless to say, I could never find it so I have messed up a few recipes in my past trying to substitute brown rice for orzo pasta. Thanks to this lady's blog with the great picture of what orzo looks like uncooked, I was happy to find orzo in the pasta aisle!
My life is forever changed!  

That's my sweet husband grilling up some cajun shrimp to go with our greek pasta salad. nom nom nom. It was a great, light side dish. Perfect for enjoying on the patio! 

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