
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Easter Decorating

I love to decorate for holidays. My husband jokes with me about how many decorations we have. He says I am banned from holiday decor shopping. Good thing I stocked up on all the holiday decorating goodies our first 2 years of marriage! 

These glass display candle vases have been a great purchase! They are so versatile , you can be creative and use them for every season. I love them!

Getting a bag of cute eggs can go along way. I just stick them in random places and then everywhere looks "Eastery". 

 These carrots are from Pier 1 … I got them last year… but its a great store to find cute little do-dads like this. I love Easter, I love dying eggs, I love cooking my nanny's dressing (stuffing if you're not from the deep south) but most of all I love my savior who died for my sin then conquered the grave. That is what Easter is all about! 


  1. I know someone else who has those glass candle vases too, and I love them! Where are they from?

  2. I got them from a little boutique decorating store in blowing rock, NC. But i think somewhere like the sparrow's nest would have them.
