
Friday, February 3, 2012

Hello! Howdy! Hi Y'all! Welcome!

I am so glad you came over to visit! I am excited to start officially blogging the adventures of my spare time.

People always ask me "How do you have time to… {fill in the blank with a fun craft, sewing project, cooking experiment etc}."  I always answer with something along the lines of "Life is short, you've gotta make time to do the things you love!" (Hence the "Spare Time" in the blog name… and "Seersucker" is one of my favorite southern fabric and …. well it just sounds fabulous!)

 This blog is going to be dedicated to crafting, cooking,  sewing, decorating, baking (hopefully "healthier" baking), couponing, gardening, and a kitty-kat here or there.

I feel extremely blessed to have so many creative people in my life who inspire me all the time. Like most people, I have a super busy schedule, but making the time to do the things I love is such an escape for me. I'm looking forward to sharing all these fun projects with my friends and family here on my new blog!

Thanks so much for stopping by and please come back soon to see all the fun!

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