
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Chalkboard Paint + Gardening Pots

I've been seeing these all over Pinterest for months now! It is finally close enough to spring I can justify making them and potting herbs in them! Whoohooo!

I spent a little time searching around for chalkboard pre-made labels like these, and they would make a great choice if you don't have a cutting machine. But anytime I can use my fancy little Cricut, I feel like I am getting my money out of it. So I opted to cut out my own vinyl stencils and just use chalkboard paint on the pots… Here's step by step how you do it!~

1. Get your clay pots (I got mine for a steal at Michael's ... craft stores are going to be cheaper than Lowe's) 

2. Get your chalkboard paint… this Martha Stewart brand from Michael's is fabulous! Be sure to have your 40% off one item printed out and you can get the larger bottle for about $4! 

3. Cut out a fun label shape out of vinyl (so it will stick to your pot good). or like mentioned above buy some sticky chalkboard labels and slap them on and your done at this step)

4. stick your stencil you made directly onto the pot where you want it. Word of Advice: make sure you firmly press around the edges of where you will be painting… I guess I got in a hurry and didn't do this and you can tell where my paint slid under a few places. 

5. Paint several coats (letting the previous one dry before the next) onto your pot…. Blackie loves craft time :-)

6. Ta-Da!

7. Plant something great in your new pots and label whats in them or write fun words if your not a crazy labeler like me :-) 

1 comment:

  1. Love it Jamie! I'm gonna grow basil too this spring! Its my favorite herb by far! Lets grow bunches and bunches and then have a pesto making party with it all! Mmmmmm MMMM!
