
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Canisters - the solution to a bad week

Everyone has them, it happens to the best of us… and unfortunately it was just my week to have a BAD WEEK! Valentine's Day was amazing… don't get me wrong on that… it feels like that day belongs in another week… it just doesn't fit in to all the other days of this past week… so in my internal file cabinet, I have removed it from this last week to a special place so it doesn't get jumbled up with all the bad things that happened … like me going to the dentist and after bragging about never having cavities, being told I have 3 perfectly spread out cavities that will require THREE numbing shots all in my upper gum… awesome…. or me dropping my macbook on my iPhone and destroying the screen… double awesome…

Why I am venting on here about all of this?  Because I want tell you about my wonderful craft night, that I knew would start my weekend off great… success! Right when I left school I went to Hobby Lobby with my Pinterest inspired shopping list, then after dinner with a sweet friend, we came back to my house and crafted it up! Here's what I got done: a spring wreath, button magnets, framed fabric message board, rosette barets, and labeled canisters. I will be posting about all of these this coming week. But today I'm going to start with the canisters because I think they're my favorite "end-of-a-bad-week-craft-night" accomplishment!  So thanks for letting me vent, I know that zoomed out, my week wasn't that bad and the sun is still rising everyday and God is still God and thats all that truly matters, not my rotting teeth or smashed electronics… :-)

1. Cut out vinyl labels with a cutting machine (like Cricut, Silhouette, etc.) … If you don't have one, Here's a great place to purchase vinyl letters/words.

2. Using transfer tape, Carefully place your sticky side of the vinyl onto your glass jar/canisters. I found these at target for a steal of about $7.00. 

3. voilà! A beautiful, simple, stylish way to store all your kitchen necessities. 

4. Blackie especially loved craft night because she had 3 girls loving on her all night, she got to play with the crafting supplies and she got her hair-did